NCM::pam - NCM pam configuration component


### declare what pam modules are available.
"/software/components/pam/modules" = npush("krb5",
  nlist("path", "/lib/security/$ISA/"));
"/software/components/pam/modules" = npush("cracklib",
  nlist("path", "/lib/security/$ISA/"));

### setup a service
"/software/components/pam/services" = pam_add(
  "sshd", "auth", "required", "env");
"/software/components/pam/services" = pam_add_stack(
  "sshd", "password", "required", "system-auth");
"/software/components/pam/services" = pam_add(
  "sshd", "session", "required", "limits");
"/software/components/pam/services" = pam_add(
  "sshd", "session", "required", "unix");
  • Configure()

    Returns error in case of failure.


  • /software/components/pam/active : boolean

    Activates/deactivates the component.

  • /software/components/pam/modules : nlist

    Contains the list of supported PAM modules. For each module, the value should be an nlist containing that path for that named module. The name can be anything you want. When describing the PAM configuration for services, the names provided here are the only acceptable names of modules, so it is the responsibility of the operating system templates to define the available modules.

  • /software/components/pam/services : nlist

    Contains an nlist of services that are being controlled by this component. Any service controlled will have it's PAM configuration completely replaced by this module. Stacked or included PAM configurations (i.e. configurations that use or the include directive) must ensure that the service being stacked is already defined.

    For each service, the value will be an nlist keyed off the module type (auth, account, session, password). The value for each module type is an ordered list of mappings. Each mapping is an nlist that is keyed off the action (i.e. required, optional, etc). Only a single action is expected in each nlist.

    The nlist may contain the key "predefined" with a boolean value. If set to true, then this service name is expected to be on the system, but will not be actively managed by this component. For example, the "system-auth" service can be listed with this value, which will allow other services to stack/include that service configuration, without requiring that this component take over management of the "system-auth" component. This functionality is not implemented at this time.

    PAM config files for services which are not specified within this list will not be touched.

  • /software/components/pam/acls : nlist

    Every ACL managed by this component must be given a name and placed into this nlist. The value of the ACL is itself an nlist containing:

    • items

      A list of items to place into the acl.

    • file

      Optionally the filename for the ACL. If this is not provided, then a filename will be generated based on /software/components/pam/acldir, the name of the ACL and the sense in which it is being used.

  • /software/components/pam/directory : string

    The directory where the config files will be placed, defaulting to /etc/pam.d.

  • /software/components/pam/acldir : string

    The directory where the ACL files will be placed, defaulting to /etc/pam.acls.


The component provides the following functions to assist in creating configurations:


    This function should be applied to /software/components/pam/services. A mapping is appended to the appropriate point in the configuration tree. SERVICE refers to the service name being configured (e.g. "sshd"). TYPE refers to the module type (e.g. "auth"). CONTROL refers to the action that is taken when the PAM system encounters this mapping (e.g. "required"). MODULE is the name of a module listed within /software/components/pam/modules. OPTIONS is an optional argument; if supplied it should be an nlist containing additional information for the PAM module.


    This function is applied to /software/components/pam/services.

    A mapping is appended to the appropriate point in the configuration tree. SERVICE refers to the service being configured (e.g. "sshd"). TYPE refers to the module type (e.g. "auth"). CONTROL refers to the action that is taken when the PAM system encounters this mapping (e.g. "required"). STACKEDSERVICE is the name of the service that should be stacked (e.g. "system-auth").


    This function should be applied to /software/components/pam/services.

  • pam_add_access_file(KEY, FILENAME, ALLOWPOS, ALLOWNEG)

    This function should be applied to /software/components/pam/access. See pam_access(8) for more details. Example:

    "/software/components/pam/access" = pam_add_access_file("access",
       "/etc/security/access.conf", true, false);
  • pam_add_access_lastacl(KEY, PERMISSION, USERS, ORIGINS)

    This function should be applied to /software/components/pam/access and sets the value of the last ACL in the access file. Typically this is used to ensure last entry in the ACL is: "-:ALL:ALL".

  • pam_add_access_acl(KEY, PERMISSION, USERS, ORIGINS)

    This function is used to implement the pam_add_access_netgroup and pam_add_access_user functions.

  • pam_add_access_netgroup(KEY, NETGROUP)

    This function should be applied to /software/components/pam/access. It adds a netgroup the access file using the correct syntax. Example:

    "/software/components/pam/access" = pam_add_access_netgroup(
      "access", "mygroup");
  • pam_add_access_user(KEY, USER)

    This function should be applied to /software/components/pam/access. It adds a user to the access file.


The component pam modifies files within the /etc/pam.d directory and the /etc/pam.acls directory.


"/software/components/pam/active" = true;